Wednesday 27 June 2012

Pod I like...

Yesterday I travelled down to London for work, thankfully this trip didn't involve getting up before the sun so I wasn't as useless as I usually am and managed to get up, get on a train, work and arrive at our London office with a Summer infused spring in my step. Lunch came pretty quickly and I headed out to Pod…an amazing eatery that does all sorts of delicious deals, I had the mini Thai Green Curry, sufficiently sized (for me) and totally YUM. After devouring this meal I foolishly decided to look up its weight watchers pro points value…why? Because I like to pretend that I follow the programme….well, I do follow it in the sense that I review the value of what I eat, yet I don't stop eating when I reach my points allowance, ever. Mainly because if I do all I can then think about is eating and this programme of review, ponder and then not impose restrictions works for me. However, I was shocked to learn that this 'mini' dish was a whopping 12 points! That's nearly 50% of my recommended daily allowance, it was only 12pm and my breakfast had amounted to 7 points! Oh well, as I said it was delicious and I remained relatively content 4.5 hours after consumption….pretty unheard of for me. All in all I recommend Pod, just don't get anything other than 'mini' sized unless you want to balloon beyond recovery.

You know you're getting older when you a) do the above and b) enjoy looking at books, well, I put it down to age. I have never ever been a book worm, ever, but for some reason I seem to get a real kick out of beautifully arranged bookshelf these days! And boy did Oliver Bonas at London St Pancras Station deliver…the criteria to make it onto this shelf must be…a) Have a fabulous cover b) Be about food or travel c) Make you want to put your better 'you'll get it cheaper on Amazon' thoughts aside. It's magical….I was most taken with a book on Glamping and a Vietnamese Street Food book….and as I headed to the till the book related spell was only broken due to the fact that I remembered why I was at the Station, my train was boarding and I had to abandon purchase and dash up the escalators to my train. I'm pleased the spell didn't last but I shall be Amazoning tonight, true story.

A pretty eventful, 'work day' for me and having discussed soda floats with a colleague this is now on my 'must do' for the weekend.


Wednesday 20 June 2012

Latest pics...

Spot of feet painting...

She picked this straight after...

Trying on shoes...

My new fave colour...

Morning ice lolly making...


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Say what LV?

On leaving the house mid-morning:

Me: Ohhhh, that smells nice, someone must be cooking...
LV: Maybe they're having a BBQ
Me: Maybe, I think it smells like bolognaise...
LV: Or a banana...
Me: ummmmmm maybe


Monday 18 June 2012

Ladies of the laundrette...

I've never really paid that much attention to my washing machine use until this weekend, when a cracked pipe led to me not being able to use it. I had no workworthy clothes ready for the week ahead, LV's favourite hoodie and converse trainers needed a seriously good clean and this all meant one thing....a trip to the laundrette was required. Who knew how expensive it was to use a laundrette (£10!!!!), and who knew how stressful it would be having a 3.5 year old in the laundrette, stressful mainly for the other laundrette users, for me not so much. LV had a superb time, she helped load, she helped unload, kindly dragging all my underwear across the laundrette floor for all to see, she lined up baskets and hopped from one to another, she sang a song whilst holding onto the machine during its spin cycle (creating an unusual high pitched vibrating voice)....a total hoot (for her, and me). She got bored after half an hour, so I placated with a pan au raisin, did the trick and we left the laundrette after an hour with two loads of clean clothes all dried and ready for the week ahead. I prefer the comfort/privacy of doing the washing in my own home, but I might take the little one there again, just for fun!

Snapped before the pan au raisin
